The Chat System For Your Website

Turn visitors into customers, one chat at a time.

Lady with a tablet receiving chat support for an order.
Do these also come in blue? Userlike customer success agent Yes, I can send you the link 🙂 That’d be great!
  • Website chat
  • Chatbots
  • GDPR-compliant
  • WhatsApp & more
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Some customers Fueling support teams of
20,000+ companies worldwide

Amélie Junghanns
Amélie Junghanns Continental

The perfect tool for our 'Service with Passion' motto. From day one, Userlike has inspired our trust and amazement.

Johannes Altmann
Johannes Altmann Shoplupe

A shop’s usability stands or falls by its guidance and support options. Live chat is perfect to answer web visitor needs instantly, and with Userlike you have an excellent solution that’s easy to integrate into any shop.

Bastian Dahm
Bastian Dahm Trusted Shops

Live chat? Check! Contact form? Check! Usability? Check! Userlike offers an effortless way for shop owners to communicate with their web visitors.

Feature overview The building blocks of an effortless chat experience

Use chat macros, predefined canned messages, to speed up the answering of frequent questions.

You’ll have your specific business logic, and you need a chat system that connects to this. With Userlike, you can define such specific chat behavior.

Use a chatbot to take over the boring part of any support interaction – asking for the issue and collecting the customer information – before forwarding the chat to its human colleagues. You can connect an external chatbot to Userlike through our Chatbot API or build your own chatbot within Userlike using our Bot Language.

Many countries – especially European – have strict data privacy laws you need to adhere to. Userlike complies with to GDPR regulations, with servers located in Germany, and specific features that protect your web visitors, customers, and service reps.

To filter for high quality chats, enable Userlike’s registration form. Your visitors will need to fill in a short form before starting a chat – e.g. with their email address, phone, and/or website.

Userlike’s rating and feedback features give you an idea of how well you’re doing. Right after a chat, the visitor is asked to rate the service on a scale from 1 to 5 stars.

Besides using Userlike as a chat system for your website – you can use it for Facebook Messenger and Telegram support.

Go beyond chat. Send your visitor to a specific URL, or take a screenshot of the webpage she’s on to get a better idea of her issue.

When you add a chat system, it should fit in seamlessly with your website. Adjust your chat’s colors, positioning, texts, and button to your liking.

Userlike offers various options for when you’re offline: (1) turn the chat into a contact form, (2) show a custom message, (3) make the chat disappear, or (4) use chatbots to welcome your visitors for you.

Userlike’s Chat Panel offers all the context info you need: the user’s name, email address, physical location, current URL, social accounts (if available), previous interactions (chats, messages, tickets), and whatever added info you choose to insert using our JavaScript API.

To use your chat system in a team, use features like Group Select, user forwarding, operator collaboration, and skill-based routing.

Instead of waiting for your visitors to start a chat, you can invite them automatically based on the time they have spent on a specific page.

Userlike is likely not the only tool you’re using, and it’s worthwhile to integrate your chat system into your existing processes. You can connect Userlike with a wide range of other tools – like Slack, Pipedrive, or Help Scout.

Optimize your chat setup with Userlike’s built-in analytics dashboards.

Simple and fair

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Simple chat setup for your website.

1 Widget 1 Seat
0 / month*
Key features
  • Unlimited conversations
  • Messenger customization
  • File sharing
  • Feedback options


Modern messaging with powerful features.

4 Widgets 4 Seats 2 Messaging apps
From 90 / month*
Everything in Free, plus
  • Live translation
  • Video calls & screen sharing
  • Basic API access
  • WhatsApp Campaigns


Multi-channel customer communication, enhanced by AI.

10 Widgets 10 Seats 4 Messaging apps
From 290 / month*
Everything in Team, plus


Comprehensive enterprise solution that fits all your needs.

10+ Widgets 10+ Seats 4+ Messaging apps
Everything in Corporate, plus
* Prices exclude VAT.

FAQs What you might be wondering about...

No :) simply register with your email address and you’re good to go! You only need to enter your billing info if you switch from Free to Premium.

When you’re offline, Userlike turns into a contact form – which still beats having to look for an email address. Also features like chatbots, Live Translation, intelligent chat routing, and chat macros make it easier to offer quality chat support when working alone or in a small team.

No. For your trial you don’t need to enter any billing info. If you choose to upgrade, you can use credit card, but you can also choose to pay with bank transfer or SEPA direct debit.

We advise you not to. Incoming chats are easy to miss on a mobile device, and their internet connections are often not stable enough to support a stable chat.

Some of our most popular integrations are those with Slack, Help Desk, Pipedrive, and Salesforce. Take a look at which of your tools are present.

You can connect an external chatbot to Userlike through our Chatbot API or build your own chatbot within Userlike using our Bot Language.